Rockstar Games, the renowned developer behind the popular open-world franchise, is currently engaged in the development of Grand Theft Auto VI (GTA VI), the highly anticipated next installment in the series. While the existence of the game was officially confirmed by the company last year, details surrounding its release date have remained elusive. However, recent developments in the form of a comprehensive earnings report from Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar, have offered some intriguing insights.
The report, released on May 17, sheds light on Take-Two’s financial projections and hints at a potential release window for GTA VI. Take-Two anticipates a remarkable surge in sales, with net bookings estimated to exceed $8 billion in the upcoming 2025 fiscal year, commencing in April 2024. This forecast of substantial revenue growth represents a bold prediction for the company, considering that their previous fiscal year’s net bookings reached just over $5 billion, one of their highest records to date. It’s worth noting that this boost in sales was primarily driven by Take-Two’s acquisition of Zynga, a prominent mobile games company, for a staggering $12 billion in 2022. Prior to this acquisition, Take-Two’s net bookings had been hovering around the $3 billion mark.
The substantial projected increase in net bookings for 2025 strongly suggests that Take-Two has high expectations for an upcoming release that possesses the potential to surpass their previous financial achievements. It is reasonable to assume that a video game franchise of Grand Theft Auto’s caliber, or more specifically, the highly anticipated sequel to the immensely successful GTA V, is one of the few contenders capable of generating such immense revenue. The enduring popularity and immense sales figures of the franchise indicate that GTA VI could be the title capable of propelling Take-Two’s revenue to new heights.